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Thursday, March 08, 2007



I have a perminent 4.9% rate offer... I don't have the cash flow for that though.. looks like subprime is going to save me some money in a couple of months. most of your bond funds borrow at prime or libor (london benchmark) and then go long. The difference is an extra payment you get in december... I got out of new century to soon.. looks like as far as lending goes it is now shut down.. I am going to have to take out some cash.. I hate doing that, hopefully there is some left over to reinvest in div stuff..

revised electricty theory.. tax 1% on your electric bill where you get it back in shares or you can get it as a rebate if you put panels on your house.. I am starting to see estimates about when the panels are going to be cheaper than grid electricity.. some inacuracy about panels having to be in silicon although alot of them are and there is a shortage currently

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