Monday, January 24, 2005
I believe Hetrosexuals have a future in radio
All the wierdness aside about serius radio, The football players and everything else I would
like to suggest a large part of the price is due to hype. To get sort of an idea about how investers think go through the stock history and then go through the news. The low point is when they said they were making changes to thier fruit station. Why do you ask, I think the answer is simple the largest market for music is younger people. All of a sudden you tell parents we are here to tell you your kids should not reproduce. The price of serius plumets to less than $2.50. It is almost suspect because it is right befour they land howard stern. There is no station blocker (or any of the other great features you have with most cable boxes). Tell investors you are going to promote pornography and prostitution instead of fruitloopness and the price triples
If you are looking at xm vs serius that one item is almost the deal maker. If you are looking for price per subscriber and the rate subscribers are increasing. They have positive cash flow and it is almost baseball season never underestimate hype. What will they pull instead of carmazen will they get donald trump. With the serius model you would guess $150 per share by mid baseball season.
One thing to note about all this satalite stuff is that you have all these wireless phone providers that are having prices drop for service. You also have a stereo that is obsolete realy
befour it is even put into the car. Long distance is almost worthless, I suspect that it may be better for wireless carriers to infiltrate the radio rather than to compete with it. The add-on device, the pay per listen, The off-peak specials, The deal with real player to rebroadcast local stations. Thats the dark horse, what happens if someone figures out how to put thousands of station on the thing.. back to beer comercials and other people who want to brain wash us..
like to suggest a large part of the price is due to hype. To get sort of an idea about how investers think go through the stock history and then go through the news. The low point is when they said they were making changes to thier fruit station. Why do you ask, I think the answer is simple the largest market for music is younger people. All of a sudden you tell parents we are here to tell you your kids should not reproduce. The price of serius plumets to less than $2.50. It is almost suspect because it is right befour they land howard stern. There is no station blocker (or any of the other great features you have with most cable boxes). Tell investors you are going to promote pornography and prostitution instead of fruitloopness and the price triples
If you are looking at xm vs serius that one item is almost the deal maker. If you are looking for price per subscriber and the rate subscribers are increasing. They have positive cash flow and it is almost baseball season never underestimate hype. What will they pull instead of carmazen will they get donald trump. With the serius model you would guess $150 per share by mid baseball season.
One thing to note about all this satalite stuff is that you have all these wireless phone providers that are having prices drop for service. You also have a stereo that is obsolete realy
befour it is even put into the car. Long distance is almost worthless, I suspect that it may be better for wireless carriers to infiltrate the radio rather than to compete with it. The add-on device, the pay per listen, The off-peak specials, The deal with real player to rebroadcast local stations. Thats the dark horse, what happens if someone figures out how to put thousands of station on the thing.. back to beer comercials and other people who want to brain wash us..
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شركة الحورس هي افضل شركة رش مبيدات ومكافحة حشرات بالطائف حيث لدينا افضل المبيدات شركه رش مبيدات بالطائف
التي نستخدمها في القضاء علي جميع انحاء الحشرات
لدينا العمال ذو خبره عاليه وقد تدربو علي ايد محترفين بالمجال
نحن افضل شركة تنظيف بالطائف حيث شركه تنظيف بالطائف نستخدم افضل الادوات والمعدات التي يتم استخدمها
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شركه كشف تسربات المياه بالطائف
شركه تنظيف خزانات بالطائف
شركة الحورس هي افضل شركة رش مبيدات ومكافحة حشرات بالطائف حيث لدينا افضل المبيدات شركه رش مبيدات بالطائف
التي نستخدمها في القضاء علي جميع انحاء الحشرات
لدينا العمال ذو خبره عاليه وقد تدربو علي ايد محترفين بالمجال
نحن افضل شركة تنظيف بالطائف حيث شركه تنظيف بالطائف نستخدم افضل الادوات والمعدات التي يتم استخدمها
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شركه مكافحة حشرات بالطائف
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شركه الصفرات لتسليك المجاري بالرياض
شركه الصفرات لرش المبيدات بالرياض
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