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Wednesday, March 30, 2005


atf and brazen wheel thieves

I am walking past waterburger all four wheels are gone and the hood is open
on some truck. Hoping it is just a site gag and some new wheels are given to him..
I wasn't offered coke by a smaller mexican man, now the two other items are does
he have a gun and is someone trying to incite violence against him... The atf is
http://www.atf.gov I believe, I like thier email alot better. best way is to not
burn down a house just email them. I did. A mexican gang loudly repeating what
I have been saying about the way cocain is marketed. the atf does eplosives, arson,
gangs, ciggerettes... Pretty much all the people around me should be arrested by the
atf. I believe you have confidence games and you should always question what you

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