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Thursday, March 17, 2005


columbians and options

I may have people doing sharades on sythetic oil. I am not going to rule out columbia. The case for columbia is cocain and chemical dependency namly oil. We now have rumors that may involve taking nitrogen out of a sbc... (I don't realy understand why they need a nitrogen tank).. The correct play is probily puts and agressive income and watching the percentage of your portfolio ie keeping it around 1 to 2%. I am a big believer that even if you pick your own stocks that there is a benifit to grabbing income funds in small amounts to deversify out and to get there research. "The right way to invest". openhiemer and american funds..
speeking of drugs we have opm (other peoples money).. The options went below my pricing point and probily $1000 of other peoples money and some of my own because of oil prices. ofset by reselling options.. $60,000 generates alot of cash I will get around $500 again but I have become concerned about xm and steriods.. 20% of portfolio is a little high. Another stock that grabed my attention as being worthy of grabbing a small amount of my portfolio is L. Also should be rolplayed with robstown and motorcycles. probily two ways to play it let them spin off the discovery channel first or just go ahead and sell options jan 06. around 20% for less that a year at the $10 level.. I don't know to much about L the series but it looks like L the stock has heard gods calling about giving away all thier cable channels and taking care of other peoples children. Napster is sort of a high yielding play a rough estimate of 5% off the option for one month is very high compared to most agressive income plays (buying the stock selling the option)

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