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Monday, April 18, 2005


mind control forums and misc links

Will could include topics such as: Psychotronics, Remote Tracking and Monitoring, Implants, Government Mind Control, Government Experimentation, Projects such as MK-Ultra, Remote Control Experimentation, Radiation Victims, Victims of government harassment or torture etc. RA/MC=Ritual Abuse Mindcontrol SRA/MC=Satanic/Spiritual Ritual Abuse Mindcontrol, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder.
MCF and MTC Online Forums also offers a private group for survivors/victims of Mind Control and all related topics. You can apply to join this group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mindcontrolforum/
Other resources are available at MTC Online Forums at http://www.ritualabuse.net/mtc
Will could include topics such as: Psychotronics, Remote Tracking and Monitoring, Implants, Government Mind Control, Government Experimentation, Projects such as MK-Ultra, Remote Control Experimentation, Radiation Victims, Victims of government harassment or torture etc. RA/MC=Ritual Abuse Mindcontrol SRA/MC=Satanic/Spiritual Ritual Abuse Mindcontrol, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder.
MCF and MTC Online Forums also offers a private group for survivors/victims of Mind Control and all related topics. You can apply to join this group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mindcontrolforum/
Other resources are available at MTC Online Forums at http://www.ritualabuse.net/mtc
looking for good links I am a little uncertain as to validity to what happened notice the quote neo-natzi peace exc
http://www.mormon.citymax.com/page/page/552282.htm .......................................... It is like a cult without the church... ........................................... to virtual sole dependence upon the supposed superior spirituality of group-gurus regarding every detail of their personal financial matters and requiring their leaders' approval for virtually every significant expenditure. Commonly, in these groups there is constant allusion to the members as "dumb sheep" who must be "led" by the shepherds, ad nauseam. The definition of the term "led" in these groups is that the "dumb sheep" cannot trust their own judgment or ability to receive direction from the Lord for the important decisions of their lives, but must rely instead upon the transcendent wisdom and spiritual acumen of their "personal pastors." http://www.slm.org/trtdigst/articles/abuse.html ....... I think it is some sort of drug cult, I don't quite have what it is.

* تنظيف الخزانات فزهرة الخليج افضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالدمام وبالمملكة تستخدم افضل مواد غسيل الخزانات
*تنظيف المنازل والشقق فزهرة الخليج شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام و افضل شركة تنظيف شقق بالدمام لديها عمالة فنية مدربة على كافة اعمال التنظيف
* تنظيف الفلل بالدمام تقدم افضل شركة تنظيف فلل بالدمام تقوم بتنظيف المساحات الواسعة باسرع وقت وباجود المنظفات
* تنظيف السجاد والموكيت فشركتنا افضل شركة تنظيف موكيت بالدمام تقوم بتنظيف سجاد وموكيت المجالس العربية
* تسليك المحارى من اهم خدمات شركة زهرة الخليج فهى تستخدم سيارات تسليك المجارى وافضل مذيبات الدهون فزهرة الخليج تعد افضل شركة تسليك مجارى بالدمام

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