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Friday, April 15, 2005


oil for food

here is someone who advertises in that space. they claim to have offices in new york and houston. www.nationalsecuritycrimes.com alot of the people I work with, or at least a number could use them at some point. It looks like two different cases are in the works 3 arrests connected to the U.N. and three cases connected to a Houston oil company with one conviction. Is it possible or not possible I came across them maybe. there is a source somewhere, I remember when I was involved with the music thing that there was an electonic back out in houston (merged with someone long ago) and mp3.com would pay direct to that bank there may have been a one time bonus to open an account I don't recall. I went from software package to software package through computer music magazine. There was some mention that someone named dave wasn't any good at programming. seems there is now one not good at the oil for food program it is doutfull that there is much there to work with maybe the quotes are still there but it is unlikely that it means much. I was looking in google at the time I was coming up with almost nothing some stuff about buzzards maine but no bayoil company. If there was something online it may be gone by now. I contacted the lawyer a defence lawyer would probily know the ends and outs of how to get the games stoped even if it is someone else on the stand. ....................................... Looks like I was killed in the market friday. everything is traded though I deposited $70 in my checking account and left the rest for when my option calls monday. bloody harsh, It looks like the ford perferred shares crashed, they are now yielding around 10%. It is hard to tell if it is a good idea or not. The reality is that if the currency crashes oil prices are going to go up sharply and they have the bigest trucks. they may be trying to start a panic on cnbc.

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