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Thursday, May 05, 2005


shiny metal object

Some guy acting wierdly in front of the chinese resteraunt where burger king used to be. hopefully it is a flask, I am realy tired, realy realy tired. Drug test tommorow... That may be why the bathrooms end up being so gross, people trying to cheat. gm, ford goes to junk bond status... ford has a convertible that converts to a number of shares at any time in stead of only at a certain value. ford convertable at 8.2% prety much in the money for the sake of argument at $14 or so. as far as effecting the value of the security you are better off without converting it probily in that case... $38 with $50 face value may give 1/2% a year in cap gains if held till maturity. gm has been bouncing around all over the place kirvorian did a number on the short traders more power to him..
In notable news. some guy with toy granades filled with gun powder blows up a planter. I woudn't notice except the suspect is from the netherlands. Home of synthedit big place sure they don't all know each other.

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