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Sunday, December 11, 2005


more of the same

From : Eric Dexter
Sent : Monday, December 12, 2005 12:00 AM
To : ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.tx.us
CC : Eric_Dexter@msn.com
Subject : I am sure this hurts insurance I don't know if it was ment as fraud

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I had already filed an harrasment complaint about audio (sound) abuse around the apartment (case number 05-072848). I would like to mention I was harrased by a white guy who yelled freedom of speech at me from across staples on 12/06. and that I heard the same thing from some hispanic sounding guy but could not see anyone around an altemp van licence number skt v24 (possibly hopeing to encite violence against the van) (hopefully that is the entire plate probily easy to find anyway)

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