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Saturday, February 18, 2006


best buy gal

she says she wants her boyfriend to do well and to pay off his credit card debt so he can buy a house... she says so she can sell some refridgerators and other house hold apliances.. she wants him to do well in the market.. I may have lost a little bit in the translation.. ducky sidewalk.... turns out that is in front of betty blacks.. I hear that alot He has a gambling problem exc... exc.. I am just looking for a way to pay as much of the rent as possible.. They had planed to get rid of me around valintines day in advance possibly. I noticed the job fair downtown, I notice the stuff online looks like it could be unfair and I would have to take a chance and increase my bills rather than decrease them.. That whatever and center looks intresting.. inporting stuff and then reselling it worldwide (from strange remote) places requires contacts.. I am after a job and not a hobby though.

freedom of speech stuff downstairs where you harrass other people and then backstab them no dout they may be roleplaying it though he says how are you going to get a job with that on your record.. exc.. exc.. exc.. Someone did that to me when I applied at first data.. first data and walmart are perfered places, maybe heb.. revenue sharing type places.. There was the coment about your a thug exc.. exc.. exc.. He wasn't able to get married because of him.. I suspect he is working at labor ready and that I should stay clear of them for safty reasons.

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