Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Do you know that you are dead (hijact)
The guy doesn't understand that He is dead. Alot of times the weejie board will come up befour a death. Like the 911 terrorist attack that happened in march. In the movie the main charecter falls from a tall place. The dead allow him to save a life by telling him befour hand. White noise is up on the internet with zwar (zwarkasi), 11 effects, es-9, Hijact, weejie. You are supposed to record the dead and then use white noise (His synths are available through jeskola buzz and possibly as vst instruments or you use the sound refered to as whitenoise.) I believe the movie is about him He denies that he is dead.. He's a three demon... then you can speculate on carol black (street and school) and I think there was a glen or a widows I will watch it again. He did say yesterday that what he wanted me to do is "threaten to comit sucide" and said he wanted me to make good on my threats. I told a corpus christi police officer I would probily kill the guy if they didn't arrest him. It follows the movie pretty well