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Sunday, March 05, 2006


more baseball and ge flouresent

The second week into my retirement and I have to fork over $8 for light bulbs.. Walmart gets it for having slightly more selection although when you think of what it could be if someone sold one light bulb for $3.50. cost of capital comes out to 3.5 cents plus a month and then the bulbs don't last as long. offset by the cost of 2 to 4 watts and lower cost per bulb.. I burnt out both the 40 watt equiv and only one other bulb, I think they were 8 watts ge claims a 5 year guarentee with three hours use daily, nothing else will fit in my kitchen outlet and they are leveraging that.. Also used my $25 gift card for some movies $2 in tax and $2 in sales above that.. I will trade the movies in when I get another gift card or maybe sooner if I get bored. It is not realy worth buying the movies unless time becomes a factor (or gift cards).

yield curve spreads out a little that hopefully means extra cash at the end of the year when the bond funds borrow short and invest long. Looks like only part of the dist is cap gains also got an extra half cent from one.. I was wrong it is the world baseball clasic and they have a couple of daytime games coming up.. watched part mets vs. porto rico. Looks like they are playing in florida, and another one cubs vs sf giants. The adds on the outfield walls looks local to the area including some perhaps to porto rico and then national franchise's. Same thing when I watched a little bit of of china vs korea. I can't tell where they are playing on wgn may be chicago looks like some national adds. nothing as far as I can tell is radio related either by a car company or by xmsr itself.

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