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Thursday, April 20, 2006


abuse sounds like gus formaly of apac (or at least a voice like that)

The abuse is realy bad this morning. He has a problem something about laura sounds like gus of apac. It is like they are going to mow this morning. It may be they don't want me to see who is trying to get raw materials for a meth lab, I am not sure if they are mowing today or not... I think he is complaining that there are no homosexuals in the apartment. He says he is going to be alone for the rest of his life and then some crap about children.. If it is figurative it is the person downstairs drinking all the time.. I tend to dout that unless it is a cover story to be abusive.. The people next door leave the porch closet room door open all the time and they put some card board on the deck. Seems like bazaar behaiver..

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