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Monday, June 19, 2006


all temps van

You can look up all temps in the blog search I have talked about thier haunted van befour. I had as a matter of fact talked to the advanced temporaries chick about it. You know that the all temps van is haunted I passed by thier one night and and she wasn't amused but to continue with a story that I did not tell all of to her. There was at least three, four cops at the pizza hut and I heard freedom of speech when I passed the van. As ugly as that sounds as part of the campain of terror on my apartment it is pretty benign.. (ya mis spelled). I went to the insurance board because it sorta sounded like someone who works or used to work there (what sat least 7 - 9 years ago memory may not be that exact about sounds could be his son for that matter).
As I noted to someone at the omni when you think of organised crime in corpus christi you should think about me because I was number 4 last time I looked although that can change. For three weeks I have called the advanced temporaries number and for three weeks I haven't talked to some mexican chick who doesn't sound amused. I seem to be talking to some male without an accent and not mez hr (like the graphiti says billions of copies of latino are laying around the office). I was getting harrased last night and I took a sleeping pill (contains aspiren or somesuch with it) I think it is lasting more than 13, 14 hours probily not the best way to sleep. I noticed the van window was broken, just one of the side windows and the weather ma on fox news mentions corpus as a place that may get vast amounts of water like houston. I was talking about l.k. jordan and some other things. I was suprised they did not want me to take a drug test since they seemed to have alot of cups in the room. The paper work says they get 50 cents per hour you work if they drive. If they get me a 12 hour shift I am cool with that. It may be another situation like the bus where the gang gets together to harras people about driving and then uses abuse to get people off the bus and then makes our zip code look high crime by yelling insane crap near holly and then attracts a county cop after I apply for a tortia making job. He was talking about some lanscaping job, I have to avoid grass clippings and I was talking about the guy who is blowing grass clippings three stories into the air. Otherwise I am cool with landscaping just some things are out......

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