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Sunday, June 25, 2006


graphiti, unhappy teamster without plastic recycling...

I think they are talking about the govermental union vs teamsters.. I am not anti-union I am anti-crime and realy there are probily a number of ways to increase the jobs... The teamsters want you to have a non-profit to pay the the labor of recycling the plastic bottles or provide a recepticle.. He is all unhappy and stuff because he is sitting at home instead of driving a bunch of crunched plastic bottles somewhere.. maybe paper also.. I didn't get the gist at first as to who pays vs who represents and jurisdiction of the taxing district.. Talking about constrution people who are anti-union meaning unsafe.. It is realy a training place... update last time I walked the tracks they were replacing some of the ties like was told to me over the phone. I didn't realy understand why that made having a leaking rail car o.k. , It just sounded more like an employees excuse about not reporting a leak or ignoring a problem... Like the problem is weather a large number of pictures end up on the internet because of picture phones instead of the envirement.. I am not 100% certain I was talking to the same person on every call could be a way to leak some more of what happened..

Looking at the graphiti again.. The fumes may be over a wide enough area to be harrasment to the person who is filling a lawsuit.. looks simular to advertising campains I have done except I have used things like copies and stuff.. magnesiam is also or was also mtbe and alot of refinery workers may have simular issues athough the fumes may be different... I believe that lawyers should be able to contact but not harrass... I was hearing what is he doing in this neiborhood again like I wasn't supposed to see what was there..

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