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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


extend and revised

It sounds like the same person who is sexualy harrasing me at the bus is sexualy harrasing me on the job but I don't see the guy. It is vauge like he could be stalking me about his harrasment someone else some mention of cars though. I do hear stuff about going to strip clubs and such like it is about getting tips, someone else says all he does is write python programs he doesn't drink or do anything else. (quoteing something I said).. Sounds like the same thing I hear around the apartment.. Voice sounds like the guy who drives the forklift but I don't know that it is him because it is just sound with no person in front speaking to me,, I heard someone else talking about credit problems.. I can barely hear the saw operator though.... seems like I am waiting forever for my python manual.. Not sure about the amount of hours I am getting so I am going to avoid getting to many manuals... gasoline is dropping like a rock.. good to see that..

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