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Monday, November 27, 2006


disney icecapades

I got a couple of days work through disney's iscopades. Looks like eric enimien (abusive black guy with no hair on his legs) Is asking me why I don't by A car. I refered him to the panda 3d website that disney put in the care of carnige melen university.. I am having another look at the graphiti.. In sales you would mirror the customer not that bullies do not become police officers it is just that the stock picks and the other are to convienent.. I like the stickers better than the paint any day though. I am noticing a control of comunication issue where something is said about a car. Naturaly what might follow control of comunication is the neibors waking up to a bunch of loud yelling... I kept it softer but the houses suck so alot of them probily heard anyway. It is just a two day gig not sure when I will work again.

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