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Thursday, December 28, 2006


killer apps...more dead bodies sent back, harrasment

I am getting harrased when people die in iraq and come back in body bags. This would be my fault as opposed to being the fault of the person harrasing me??? I am having problems getting the gist of that, I hear b.s. about no having a drivers licence. I don't hear anything about the amount of fun I had without breaks when I did. Seems like one sided abuse.. The guy is under the impression it is a verbal argument and that he gets something from verbal sparing. I am not driving because I said so....
Iran is said to be running out of oil. No more exports as early as 8 years. They would have been better off handing out cash than subsidising gasoline prices. It helps the lower income people more and probily makes gasoline demand go up anyway but with more available to give them more influence in politics and such... No such thing as good oil news from iran either less of it or more of it... Ignores the most important thing to think about and that is what do we plan on doing...
I took a sleeping pill Christmas night I think it was.. Cigarette buts with lipstick on them are down stairs. I am not sure what that is about, noticed toilet paper tonight, I do know what that is about... Some sort of obsession about angel.. Not the crazy alternative lifestyle chick they must be roleplaying something.. You have angel of light I.E. sometimes the devil will appear as an angel of light. biblical quote, toilet paper, she is mean because everyone w(*(#.. I will let that rest. ev angel ical. I notice this the other day.. Near some place that serves chicken. There is a school and the county judge, and several churches including 5 fold and some dutch church (I will think of the name someday). as well as an ev angel ical church. Looks like marriage inc.. Needs a cheezy hotel. institutionalised in the ???? of marriage. Back in the day when I worked for the city-county health department it was institutionalised for some sanity stuff and I think there was a security company...
If it is some sort of anti-war abuse they would just fork up the money and help get the software running. It is a coverup by short traders, another theory it could have come from the state police somehow or to the state police or university since they have thier own department... jeez $100 max on the bidding how dumb, then it is the killer app.

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