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Friday, January 19, 2007


when format strings attack

looks like you can run lua from python, after getting access to lua you gain access to another graphics toolkit called http://luaforge.net/frs/?group_id=89 iup. The lua binding for python is called lunatic python http://labix.org/lunatic-python . Not that I care about any of this except now I want to know what it does and how to use it. The origanal problem was to get rid of the bat files. Bats as many people know who watch the discovery channel are usefull for getting rid of bugs.... print "Hello, %s" %(x) , what is of note is the formating borrowed from c. I haven't tested this at all and I am not sure if the % thing will work at all. I do know that there is a warning from homeland security about this sort of thing. I lost the homeland security link but here is another one http://www.ddj.com/184405774;jsessionid=BDDEMUGJOPXUMQSNDLQCKHSCJUNN2JVN

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