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Thursday, May 17, 2007



I am hearing some action reaction stuff??? insulting sexual commentary from someone coming from somewhere... sexual abuse and then I see a knife on the table.... The knife is from a fuel recycling company (so it says on the handle).... The job doesn't require all of us to be armed, it isn't good for the goods you are better off using something blunt.. There was a fire or a gas leak in one of the fryers.. maybe it should be refereed to as a fire and a gas leak. If anything is going to burn it is probily the oil filter, It is leaking realy bad.. I didn't see it and I am not positive that happened just hearsay... Most likely that is what happened.. I was probily wrong it was the spicey sause that was sitting there yesterday...

I was starting to search for a simple graphics editor written in python that I can convert into a code generator. To create shapes and stuff that can be used as instrument place markers (instead of just having rectanges something that can be defined by the user... I may search different librarys like tkinter exc...

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