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Tuesday, August 21, 2007



TWOLComboBox object ( an object of wolgui )
Unit: WOLGUI14.
Descendant of TWOLVisualControl. A basic WOL object, A combobox of the GUI. One combobox is made of three basic objects: a box of entry (edit), a list box. and a button (button).

Public Methods and Events:

constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); override;
procedure CreateWnd (to var aParams: TWOLParams); override;
procedure RecreateWnd; override;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function WndPaint (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndKeyboard (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndMouse (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndCommand (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;

procedure Clear;
Method used to all clear the lines of combobox.

Public properties and Events:

Items: TStrings (For Reading and Writing)
Property that represents the lines of text of combobox.

IntegralHeight: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that it indicates that listbox pertaining to combobox must have height capable of showing items without visually cutting them.

ItemHeight: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the height of the items of listbox of combobox.

ItemIndex: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the currently selected item.

Sorted: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates if items is sorted or not.

DrawStyle: TWOLDrawSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that determines the way as combobox is drawn and the way the text is entered.

TopIndex: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the top item of listbox of combobox.

MaxLength: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the maximum size of the text contained in combobox.

DroppedDown: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates if listbox is visible or not.

DropDownCount: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the number of items that must appear at the same time in a list in combobox.

DroppedWidth: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the width of combobox listbox.

Text: String (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the text of combobox edit.

OnChange: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Event that happens when the text of combobox edit changes.

OnDropDown: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Event that happens when the user showthe combobox listbox.

OnDropUp: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
event that happens when the user hides the combobox listbox.


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