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Monday, August 20, 2007



TWOLBase object (wolgui library for free pascal)
Unit: WOLGUI01.
Descendant of TWOLRoot. Base for non visual and visual objects

Public Methods and Events:

constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
Used to create the object.

destructor Destroy; override;
Used to destroy the object in memory.

procedure AddStyle (Style: TWOLGUIStyles);
Used to add a style to the object. The style determines one or more type of visual objects behavior.

procedure DelStyle (Style: TWOLGUIStyles);
Used to delete a style of the object.

function ExistsStyle (Style: TWOLGUIStyle): Boolean;
Used to see if style exists or is present in an object

function isHandleZero: Boolean;
Used to verify if the number of the Handle is zero. A visual object receives a number that represents it. procedure Change; virtual;
Used to modify the Changed property. This property, when it deals, comes back to be False.

procedure Load; virtual;
Used to indicate the shipment in memory and the promptitude of the object to be executed.

function DoMouseEvent (to var Msg: TWOLMessage; Button: TWOLMouseButton; Action: TWOLMouseAction): Boolean; dynamic;
Used to verify if the object processed is a message of a mouse. For general internal use.
procedure Click; virtual;
Used to simulate one click in an object that supports the action of mouse.

function DefaultProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): TWOLLongint; virtual;
Used for processing a standard of the GUI when it will not have message WOL
function SendMessage (to var Msg: TWOLMessage): TWOLSmallInt; virtual; abstract;
Used to send a message directly to the GUI.

function PostMessage (Msg: TWOLCardinal; WParam: TWOLCardinal; LParam: TWOLCardinal): TWOLCardinal; virtual; abstract;
Used to directly send a message to the GUI (in general, the function sends a message to the return message, instead of being waiting for a reply, as sendmessage).

procedure AllocResources; virtual;
Used to Allocate resources of the GUI in memory for different parts of the object during the objects creation.

procedure FreeResources; virtual;
Used to release the resources placed in the creation for the diverse parts of the object.

function WndPaint (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Used to process visual object painting messages. But it also receives other messages.

function WndKeyboard (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Used to process keyboard messages. However it receives other messages.

function WndMouse (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Used to process messages of mouse. However it receives other messages.

function WndNotify (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Used to process notification messages of the GUI. However it receives other messages.

function WndCommand (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Used to process command messages of the GUI. However it receives other messages.

function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Used to process diverse messages of the GUI. This is the main function of processing of messages. Before processing the message, the function calls the other Wnd* functions. If one of these functions returns True, the rest of the functions will not be processed.

function WndText (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Used to process text messages. However, other messages are received by the function.

function GetWOLText: PChar; virtual;
Used to recover the text of a window in the form of PChar. This mainly for long texts, as the ones contained in memoranda.

procedure SetWOLText (Value: PChar); virtual;
Used to point the text of an window equal to the value contained in Value. Useful in objects with long texts, as memoranda.

Properties of the Object:

OnDesigner: TDesignerFunction (For Reading and Writing)
Used to process messages of the object when this is being created for the WOLDesigner. Being With the created by the publisher, automatically the procedure is associated with the object.

Left: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Used to indicate the position of the left side of the visual object.

Top: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Used to indicate the position of the top side of the visual object.

Width: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Used to indicate the width of the visual object.

Height: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Used to indicate the height of the visual object.

Parent: TWOLVisualControl (For Reading and Writing)
Used for main object of the visual object.

PopupMenu: TWOLPopupMenu (For Reading and Writing)
Used to associate a popup menu for the object.

Caption: String (For Reading and Writing)
Used to give a heading that appears in the object.

Color: TWOLColor (For Reading and Writing)
Used to attribute a color to the object.

Hint: String (For Reading and Writing)
Used to give a tip attribute to the object. The tips are on or off depending on the presence of the text in this property.

Enabled: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Used to turn on or off a visual object. An incapacitated visual object does not receive messages.

Visible: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Used to become a visible or not visual object.

Cursor: TWOLCursor (For Reading and Writing)
Used to indicate a hand of mouse for the visual object.

TextAlign: TWOLJustifySet (For Reading and Writing)
Used to indicate the type of text justification of an object.

WindowRect: TWOLRect (For Reading and Writing)
Used to attribute or to recoup the value of the rectangle of the window of the visual object.

ClientRect: TWOLRect (Only for Reading)
Used to return the area to a rectangle in the visual object. This value depends on the GUI and it alone can modify.

State: TWOLState (For Reading and Writing)
Used to recoup or to modify the state of the object.

Style: TWOLGUIStyles (For Reading and Writing)
Used to give a style attribute for an object. The style determines appearance and behavior of visual objects.

Changed: Boolean (Only for Reading)
Used to give the changed value that the object has suffered. If it will be chore, comes back with the value False until a new modification is made in the object.

Loaded: Boolean (Only for Reading)
Used to indicate the loaded and ready state of loading of the object.

Params: TWOLParams (For Reading and Writing)
Used to give the attribute values of creation object. TWOLParams keeps a series of values, as position, height, width, color, etc.

ParamRect: TWOLRect (Only for Reading)
Used to return the value of the dimension of the object contained in the creation values.

wolClass: TWOLClassType (Only for Reading)
Used to return the type of the class of the visual object.

OnCreate: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Off event when the object is created.

OnDestroy: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Off event when the object is destroyed.

OnClick: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Off event when the visual object is clicked.

OnDblClick: TWOLMouseEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Off event when double click occurs on the visual object. OnMouseDown: TWOLMouseEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Off event when a ,ouse button is lowered to the visual object.

OnMouseMove: TWOLMouseEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Off event when mouse is moved on a visual object.

OnMouseUp: TWOLMouseEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Off event when the mouse button is clicked on an object.

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