Thursday, August 23, 2007
TWOLImageList object
Unit: WOLGUI16.
Descendant of TWOLVisualControl. One is about the representation, in object WOL, of basic List of Images of the GUI in use.
Public Metodos and Eventos:
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
constructor CreateSize (AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
used procedure to construct to a list images with the specified dimensions. It must be remembered that the dimension is of each image.
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); virtual;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function Add (Image, Mask: TWOLImage): Integer;
Used method to add an image and, optionally, a mask in the list.
function AddIcon (Image: TWOLIcon): Integer;
Used method to add an icon to the list of images.
procedure AddImages (Value: TWOLImageList);
Used method to add a list of images to the list of images.
function AddMasked (Image: TWOLImage; MaskColor: TWOLColor): Integer;
Used method to adionar an image and a mask of color to the list of images.
procedure Assign (Source: TWOLRoot); override;
Used method to copy the list of images of a list for another one.
function BeginDrag (Window: TWOLHandle; X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
Used method to show an icon of drags in the window and the position specified.
procedure Clear;
Used method to clean the list of images.
procedure Delete (Index: Integer);
Used method to erase the number image index.
function DragLock (Window: TWOLHandle; XPos, YPos: Integer): Boolean;
Used method to stop (to keep) the icon of drags in the specified window and position. This operation must be the initial when if to make necessary to make operations drag and drop
function DragMove (X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
Used method to move the icon of drags for the specified position.
procedure DragUnlock; Used method to unlock the icon of drags.
procedure Draw (Canvas: TWOLCanvas; X, Y, Index: Integer);
Used method to draw a list of images in one canvas and position specified.
procedure DrawOverlay (Canvas: TWOLCanvas; X, Y: Integer; ImageIndex: Integer; aOverlay: TOverlay);
Used method to draw an image in an one position canvas of the overlapping form specified by the parameters.
function FileLoad (ResType: TResType; aName: string; MaskColor: TWOLColor): Boolean;
Used method to load an archive of images or a resource compiled in the proper program.
procedure GetBitmap (Index: Integer; Image: TWOLBitmap);
Used method to draw an image of the list of index specified in canvas of the indicated image.
function GetHotSpot: TWOLPoint;
Used method to catch the point of drags of the image list. In general I sing it left inferior.
procedure GetIcon (Index: Integer; Image: TWOLIcon);
Used method to draw the icon of the list of images of index specified in canvas in the last image as parameter.
function GetImageBitmap: TWOLHBitmap;
Used method to catch handle of the list of images as one bitmap only.
function GetResource (ResType: TResType; aName: string; aWidth: Integer; LoadFlags: TLoadResources; MaskColor: TWOLColor): Integer;
Used method to catch the resource specified for the parameter, being returned it as one handle.
function GetMaskBitmap: TWOLHBitmap;
Used method to catch the mask as one handle of bitmap only.
procedure HideDragImage;
Used method to hide the icon of drags of the list of images.
function Overlay (ImageIndex: Integer; aOverlay: TOverlay): Boolean;
Used method to modify the form of overlapping of the image of indicated index.
procedure Replace (Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TWOLImage);
Used method to substitute the image and the mask of the position indicated for the index.
procedure ReplaceIcon (Index: Integer; Image: TWOLIcon);
Used method to substitute the icon of index indicated for the past in the parameter.
procedure ShowDragImage;
Used method to show the icon of drags of the list of images.
Public properties and Events:
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount images in the list.
Dragging: Boolean (Only for Reading)
Property that returns if the image is showing the icon of drags or not.
Handle: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns handle from the list of images.
AllocBy: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the number of images placed by the list. To remember that, in memory, this number is equal the AllocBy * Height * Width * Number of Mask.
BkColor: TWOLColor (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the adopted color of deep when will be drawn an image.
BlendColor: TWOLColor (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the color of blend of the image.
DrawingStyle: TDrawingStyle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that modifies the form as the images is drawn.
Height: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the height of each image.
ImageType: TImageType (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the type of image contained in the list.
Masked: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates if the list of images contains mask or not.
ShareImages: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that it indicates that the images will not be set free of the memory because they are shared.
Width: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Property that informs the width of each image.
OnChange: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Gone off event when the image suffers modification.
Images: TWOLImages (For Reading and Writing)
Property representing the list of images properly said.
TWOLImages does not have external to be used. It only interacts with the TWOLImageList object in drawing time. She serves to capture the list of images that if she desires in the list and to recoup them later.
constructor Create;
Used method to create the list of images.
destructor Destroy; override;
Used method to destroy the list of images.
procedure AddToList (FileName: String; ResType: TResType);
Used method to add an archive of image to the list of images.
procedure DelFromList (aIndex: Integer);
Used method to erase the image of index indicated of the list.
procedure Clear;
Used method To clean the list of images.
procedure Assign (otherImages: TWOLImages);
Used method to copy a list of images for another one.
function Count: Integer;
Used method to return the amount from images contained in the list.
Image [Index: Integer]: TWOLImage (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the image from index indicated contained in the list.
ImageName [Index: Integer]: String (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the name from the archive of the image of specified index.
ImageType [Index: Integer]: TResType (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the type of image of specified index.
Unit: WOLGUI16.
Descendant of TWOLVisualControl. One is about the representation, in object WOL, of basic List of Images of the GUI in use.
Public Metodos and Eventos:
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
constructor CreateSize (AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
used procedure to construct to a list images with the specified dimensions. It must be remembered that the dimension is of each image.
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); virtual;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function Add (Image, Mask: TWOLImage): Integer;
Used method to add an image and, optionally, a mask in the list.
function AddIcon (Image: TWOLIcon): Integer;
Used method to add an icon to the list of images.
procedure AddImages (Value: TWOLImageList);
Used method to add a list of images to the list of images.
function AddMasked (Image: TWOLImage; MaskColor: TWOLColor): Integer;
Used method to adionar an image and a mask of color to the list of images.
procedure Assign (Source: TWOLRoot); override;
Used method to copy the list of images of a list for another one.
function BeginDrag (Window: TWOLHandle; X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
Used method to show an icon of drags in the window and the position specified.
procedure Clear;
Used method to clean the list of images.
procedure Delete (Index: Integer);
Used method to erase the number image index.
function DragLock (Window: TWOLHandle; XPos, YPos: Integer): Boolean;
Used method to stop (to keep) the icon of drags in the specified window and position. This operation must be the initial when if to make necessary to make operations drag and drop
function DragMove (X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
Used method to move the icon of drags for the specified position.
procedure DragUnlock; Used method to unlock the icon of drags.
procedure Draw (Canvas: TWOLCanvas; X, Y, Index: Integer);
Used method to draw a list of images in one canvas and position specified.
procedure DrawOverlay (Canvas: TWOLCanvas; X, Y: Integer; ImageIndex: Integer; aOverlay: TOverlay);
Used method to draw an image in an one position canvas of the overlapping form specified by the parameters.
function FileLoad (ResType: TResType; aName: string; MaskColor: TWOLColor): Boolean;
Used method to load an archive of images or a resource compiled in the proper program.
procedure GetBitmap (Index: Integer; Image: TWOLBitmap);
Used method to draw an image of the list of index specified in canvas of the indicated image.
function GetHotSpot: TWOLPoint;
Used method to catch the point of drags of the image list. In general I sing it left inferior.
procedure GetIcon (Index: Integer; Image: TWOLIcon);
Used method to draw the icon of the list of images of index specified in canvas in the last image as parameter.
function GetImageBitmap: TWOLHBitmap;
Used method to catch handle of the list of images as one bitmap only.
function GetResource (ResType: TResType; aName: string; aWidth: Integer; LoadFlags: TLoadResources; MaskColor: TWOLColor): Integer;
Used method to catch the resource specified for the parameter, being returned it as one handle.
function GetMaskBitmap: TWOLHBitmap;
Used method to catch the mask as one handle of bitmap only.
procedure HideDragImage;
Used method to hide the icon of drags of the list of images.
function Overlay (ImageIndex: Integer; aOverlay: TOverlay): Boolean;
Used method to modify the form of overlapping of the image of indicated index.
procedure Replace (Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TWOLImage);
Used method to substitute the image and the mask of the position indicated for the index.
procedure ReplaceIcon (Index: Integer; Image: TWOLIcon);
Used method to substitute the icon of index indicated for the past in the parameter.
procedure ShowDragImage;
Used method to show the icon of drags of the list of images.
Public properties and Events:
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount images in the list.
Dragging: Boolean (Only for Reading)
Property that returns if the image is showing the icon of drags or not.
Handle: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns handle from the list of images.
AllocBy: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the number of images placed by the list. To remember that, in memory, this number is equal the AllocBy * Height * Width * Number of Mask.
BkColor: TWOLColor (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the adopted color of deep when will be drawn an image.
BlendColor: TWOLColor (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the color of blend of the image.
DrawingStyle: TDrawingStyle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that modifies the form as the images is drawn.
Height: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the height of each image.
ImageType: TImageType (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the type of image contained in the list.
Masked: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates if the list of images contains mask or not.
ShareImages: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that it indicates that the images will not be set free of the memory because they are shared.
Width: TWOLInteger (For Reading and Writing)
Property that informs the width of each image.
OnChange: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Gone off event when the image suffers modification.
Images: TWOLImages (For Reading and Writing)
Property representing the list of images properly said.
TWOLImages does not have external to be used. It only interacts with the TWOLImageList object in drawing time. She serves to capture the list of images that if she desires in the list and to recoup them later.
constructor Create;
Used method to create the list of images.
destructor Destroy; override;
Used method to destroy the list of images.
procedure AddToList (FileName: String; ResType: TResType);
Used method to add an archive of image to the list of images.
procedure DelFromList (aIndex: Integer);
Used method to erase the image of index indicated of the list.
procedure Clear;
Used method To clean the list of images.
procedure Assign (otherImages: TWOLImages);
Used method to copy a list of images for another one.
function Count: Integer;
Used method to return the amount from images contained in the list.
Image [Index: Integer]: TWOLImage (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the image from index indicated contained in the list.
ImageName [Index: Integer]: String (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the name from the archive of the image of specified index.
ImageType [Index: Integer]: TResType (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the type of image of specified index.
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