Friday, August 24, 2007
TWOLListView object
Unit: WOLGUI17.
Descendant of TWOLVisualControl. One is about the representation, in object WOL, of basic a Visual List of the GUI in use.
Public methods and Events:
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); override;
procedure CreateWnd (to var aParams: TWOLParams); override;
procedure RecreateWnd; override;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function WndPaint (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
procedure AddColumn (aColumn: TWOLListViewColumn);
Method used to add a column to the visual list.
procedure DelColumn (aColumn: TWOLListViewColumn);
Method used to erase a column of the visual list.
procedure AddItem (img: Integer; const Captions: Array of TListViewString);
Method used to add a line of itens with an associated image to the visual list.
function GetItemText (item, subitem: Integer): String;
Method used to recoup the text of an item and subitem of the visual list.
procedure DelItem (item: Integer);
Method used to erase an item of the visual list.
procedure Clear; Used method to clean all itens of the list.
procedure Freeze; Used method to indicate the list that if to desire to insert a considerable amount of itens to the list. This makes the list to congeal and to be only brought up to date visually when the method unFreeze will be called.
procedure UnFreeze;
Method used to bring up to date the visual list after a considerable insertion. It does not call this method if it will initially not have called Freeze.
Public properties and Events:
Column [Index: Integer]: TWOLListViewColumn (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the column from specified index.
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from existing Columns in the list.
ImageListNormal: TWOLImageList (For Reading and Writing)
Property that points with respect to the list of images associated to the visual list when in the normal way.
ImageListSmall: TWOLImageList (For Reading and Writing)
Property that points with respect to the list of images associated to the visual list when in the visual way SmallIcons.
ImageListState: TWOLImageList (For Reading and Writing)
Property that points with respect to the list of images associated to the visual list when in the visual way List.
IconAlign: TWOLJustifySet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the form of alignment of the icons in relation to the headings of itens.
Options: TWOLBehaviours (For Reading and Writing)
Property that modifies the behavior the visual list of diverse forms.
ModeView: TWOLViewModeSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that modifies the form to visualize the list visual.
Selected: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the index from the item currently selected by the user.
ScrollBars: TWOLScrollBarSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the presence or not of the bars of clod roller of the visual list.
Columns: TWOLListViewColumns (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the representation of the columns of the visual list.
procedure SetGTKListViewColumns (nColumns: Integer);
A procedure must be indicated. It is part of the unit because the ListView of the GTK has a predetermined number of columns at the creation moment. The programmer must indicate the maximum number of columns that the program comes to use calling this procedure when it will be using the GTK/GDK.
This object loads obtains the definitions of the columns of the visual list. It does not have external to be created.
Public methods and Events:
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListView); It creates the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
It destroys the object.
procedure Add (Value: TWOLListViewColumn);
It adds a column to the list.
procedure Delete (Index: Integer);
It erases a column of the list indicated for the index.
procedure Clear;
It erases all the columns of the visual list.
Properties of the Object:
Column [Index: Integer]: TWOLListViewColumn (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the column from specified index.
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from columns of the list.
Object that represents a column of the visual list.
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListView);
Method used to create the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
Method used to destroy the object.
procedure AddItem (Items: TWOLListViewItem);
Method used to add an item to the column.
procedure DelItem (Items: TWOLListViewItem);
Method used to erase an item of the column.
Properties of the Object:
Caption: String (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the heading of the column.
Index: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the index of the current column.
Item [aIndex: Integer]: TWOLListViewItem (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the item indicated for the argument.
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from itens of the column.
Width: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that informs the width of the column.
Owner: TWOLListView (Only for Reading)
Property that informs the Visual List which belongs the column.
LVHnd: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
property that returns handle from the Visual List proprietor.
Align: TWOLTextAlign (For Reading and Writing)
Property that inside indicates the alignment of the text of the column.
Object that represents an item of the visual list. Such object must be thought as the first heading that appears in each line of the list. The other headings of the same line must be thought as they subitem of this item.
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListViewColumn);
Method used to create the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
Method used to destroy the object.
procedure AddSubItem (aItem: TWOLListViewSubItem);
Method used to add one subitem to the current item.
procedure DelSubItem (aItem: TWOLListViewSubItem);
Method used to erase subitem it indicated of the current item.
Properties of the Object:
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from subitens contained in the item.
Item [Index: Integer]: TWOLListViewSubItem (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns it subitem indicated for the index.
LVHnd: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns handle from the Visual List which it subitem belongs.
Object that represents subitens of the visual list. Each subitem must be thought as the headings that are not item zero of each column.
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListViewItem);
Method used to create the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
Method used to destroy the object.
Properties of the Object:
Caption: String (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the heading of it subitem.
ImageIndex: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the index of the image associated with it subitem.
Index: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the index of it subitem.
StateIndex: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the index of the image associated with it subitem to represent the state.
LVHnd: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads handle of the Visual List which belongs subitem it.
SubItems: TStrings (For Reading and Writing)
property that loads the headings of it subitem.
Unit: WOLGUI17.
Descendant of TWOLVisualControl. One is about the representation, in object WOL, of basic a Visual List of the GUI in use.
Public methods and Events:
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); override;
procedure CreateWnd (to var aParams: TWOLParams); override;
procedure RecreateWnd; override;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function WndPaint (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
procedure AddColumn (aColumn: TWOLListViewColumn);
Method used to add a column to the visual list.
procedure DelColumn (aColumn: TWOLListViewColumn);
Method used to erase a column of the visual list.
procedure AddItem (img: Integer; const Captions: Array of TListViewString);
Method used to add a line of itens with an associated image to the visual list.
function GetItemText (item, subitem: Integer): String;
Method used to recoup the text of an item and subitem of the visual list.
procedure DelItem (item: Integer);
Method used to erase an item of the visual list.
procedure Clear; Used method to clean all itens of the list.
procedure Freeze; Used method to indicate the list that if to desire to insert a considerable amount of itens to the list. This makes the list to congeal and to be only brought up to date visually when the method unFreeze will be called.
procedure UnFreeze;
Method used to bring up to date the visual list after a considerable insertion. It does not call this method if it will initially not have called Freeze.
Public properties and Events:
Column [Index: Integer]: TWOLListViewColumn (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the column from specified index.
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from existing Columns in the list.
ImageListNormal: TWOLImageList (For Reading and Writing)
Property that points with respect to the list of images associated to the visual list when in the normal way.
ImageListSmall: TWOLImageList (For Reading and Writing)
Property that points with respect to the list of images associated to the visual list when in the visual way SmallIcons.
ImageListState: TWOLImageList (For Reading and Writing)
Property that points with respect to the list of images associated to the visual list when in the visual way List.
IconAlign: TWOLJustifySet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the form of alignment of the icons in relation to the headings of itens.
Options: TWOLBehaviours (For Reading and Writing)
Property that modifies the behavior the visual list of diverse forms.
ModeView: TWOLViewModeSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that modifies the form to visualize the list visual.
Selected: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the index from the item currently selected by the user.
ScrollBars: TWOLScrollBarSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the presence or not of the bars of clod roller of the visual list.
Columns: TWOLListViewColumns (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the representation of the columns of the visual list.
procedure SetGTKListViewColumns (nColumns: Integer);
A procedure must be indicated. It is part of the unit because the ListView of the GTK has a predetermined number of columns at the creation moment. The programmer must indicate the maximum number of columns that the program comes to use calling this procedure when it will be using the GTK/GDK.
This object loads obtains the definitions of the columns of the visual list. It does not have external to be created.
Public methods and Events:
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListView); It creates the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
It destroys the object.
procedure Add (Value: TWOLListViewColumn);
It adds a column to the list.
procedure Delete (Index: Integer);
It erases a column of the list indicated for the index.
procedure Clear;
It erases all the columns of the visual list.
Properties of the Object:
Column [Index: Integer]: TWOLListViewColumn (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the column from specified index.
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from columns of the list.
Object that represents a column of the visual list.
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListView);
Method used to create the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
Method used to destroy the object.
procedure AddItem (Items: TWOLListViewItem);
Method used to add an item to the column.
procedure DelItem (Items: TWOLListViewItem);
Method used to erase an item of the column.
Properties of the Object:
Caption: String (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the heading of the column.
Index: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the index of the current column.
Item [aIndex: Integer]: TWOLListViewItem (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns the item indicated for the argument.
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from itens of the column.
Width: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that informs the width of the column.
Owner: TWOLListView (Only for Reading)
Property that informs the Visual List which belongs the column.
LVHnd: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
property that returns handle from the Visual List proprietor.
Align: TWOLTextAlign (For Reading and Writing)
Property that inside indicates the alignment of the text of the column.
Object that represents an item of the visual list. Such object must be thought as the first heading that appears in each line of the list. The other headings of the same line must be thought as they subitem of this item.
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListViewColumn);
Method used to create the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
Method used to destroy the object.
procedure AddSubItem (aItem: TWOLListViewSubItem);
Method used to add one subitem to the current item.
procedure DelSubItem (aItem: TWOLListViewSubItem);
Method used to erase subitem it indicated of the current item.
Properties of the Object:
Count: Integer (Only for Reading)
Property that returns the amount from subitens contained in the item.
Item [Index: Integer]: TWOLListViewSubItem (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns it subitem indicated for the index.
LVHnd: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that returns handle from the Visual List which it subitem belongs.
Object that represents subitens of the visual list. Each subitem must be thought as the headings that are not item zero of each column.
constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLListViewItem);
Method used to create the object.
destructor Destroy; override;
Method used to destroy the object.
Properties of the Object:
Caption: String (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the heading of it subitem.
ImageIndex: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the index of the image associated with it subitem.
Index: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the index of it subitem.
StateIndex: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the index of the image associated with it subitem to represent the state.
LVHnd: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads handle of the Visual List which belongs subitem it.
SubItems: TStrings (For Reading and Writing)
property that loads the headings of it subitem.
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