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Monday, August 20, 2007



TWOLMemo object
Unit: WOLGUI21.
A WOL object that is a basic memo entry box. Descendant of TWOLVisualControl.

Public Methods and Events:

function GetSelLength: Integer;
function that returns the length of the text currently selected.

function GetSelStart: Integer;
function that returns the beginning of the text currently selected.

function GetSelEnd: Integer;
function that returns the end from the text currently selected.

function GetSelText: String;
function that returns selected text.

procedure SetSelLength (Value: Integer);
method used to set the length of the text to be selected.

procedure SetSelStart (Value: Integer);
method used to point the beginning of the text to be selected.

procedure Clear;
method used erase all the text from the memo.

procedure ClearSelection;
Method used to erase the selected text.

procedure CopyToClipboard;
Method used to copy selected text to the clipboard

procedure CutToClipboard;
Method used to cut the selected text in the memo and place it in the clipboard.

procedure PasteFromClipboard;
Method used to get text from the clipboard and place it in the text area of the memo.

procedure SelectAll;
method used to all select the text of the memorandum.

procedure LoadFromFile (const FileName: String);
Method used to load text from a file. To save the text it uses tstrings

constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); override;
procedure CreateWnd (to var aParams: TWOLParams); override;
procedure RecreateWnd; override;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function WndPaint (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndKeyboard (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndCommand (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;

Public properties and Events:

WantReturn: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that allows the use of ENTER for the carriage return,.

WantTabs: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that allows tTAB use inside the text area.

ScrollBars: TWOLScrollBarSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the use scroll bars in the memo.

Lines: TStrings (For Reading and Writing)
Property that represents the lines of text one to one.

WordWrap: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that allows a line to go to the next line if it won't fit.

CharCase: TWOLEditCharSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that allow the character set to be edited.

HideSelection: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that allows selected text to be hiden.

MaxLength: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the maximum length of the text of the memo in characters.

OEMConvert: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that allows the conversion of the text based on the operating system. Not yet implemented.


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