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Sunday, August 26, 2007



TWOLScrollBox object
Unit: WOLGUI36.
Descendant of TWOLVisualControl. A scoll box with a scroll bar.

Public Methods and Events:

constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); override;
procedure CreateWnd (to var aParams: TWOLParams); override;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function WndPaint (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndCommand (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;

Public properties and Events:

AutoPage: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the automatic creation of a page and position in according to the size of the object window.

RefreshOnScroll: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that it indicates that the window is refreshed when the scroll bar is used.

VertScrollBar: TWOLScrollBoxBar (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads a vertical scroll bar.

HorzScrollBar: TWOLScrollBoxBar (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads a horizontal scroll bar.

VirtualHeight: TWOLSmallInt (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the virtual height of the scroll bar.

VirtualWidth: TWOLSmallInt (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the virtual width of the scroll bar.

OnScroll: TWOLScrollEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Event when the box of scroll bar is rolled.

TWOLScrollBoxBar is an object that can represent the bars of a ScrollBox. It does not have to be created, therefore when the roller bar is created, it is already made.

Public methods and Events:

constructor Create (Owner: TWOLScrollBox; aKind: TWOLScrollBarSet);
method Used to create the object. aKind indicates the type (horizontal or vertical) of the bar.
destructor Destroy; override;
method Used to destroy the object.

Properties of the Object:

Parent: TWOLHandle (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the handle of the scroll bar box.
OwnerKind: TWOLByte (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the type of owner of the object.
Handle: TWOLHandle (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the handle of the object.
Height: TWOLSmallInt (Only for Reading)
Property that specifies the height of the bar.
Width: TWOLSmallInt (Only for Reading)
Property that specifies the width of the bar.
Scroll: TWOLCardinal (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the scroll bar code when the event occurs.
CodeEvent: TWOLScrollBarCode (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the code of a scroll bar event.
Kind: TWOLScrollBarSet (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the scoll bar type.
Mask: TWOLSmallInt (Only for Reading)
Used property internally.
TrackPos: TWOLSmallInt (Only for Reading)
Property that loads the position of scroll bar.
DiffPos: TWOLSmallInt (Only for Reading)
Used property internally.
Align: TWOLByte (For Reading and Writing)
Property of alignment of the bar used internally.
SmallChange: TWOLSmallInt (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the minimum value change allowed by the bar.
LargeChange: TWOLSmallInt (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the max change allowed for the scroll bar.
Visible: TWOLBoolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the visibility of the scroll bar.
Min: TWOLSmallInt (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the minimum value used by the scroll bar.
Max: TWOLSmallInt (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the maximum value used by the bar. Generally virtual width is the value of the height/.
Page: TWOLSmallInt (For Reading and Writing)
Value of the pointer size of the pointer of the scroll bar.
Pos: TWOLLongint (For Reading and Writing)
Value of the position of the bar of the scroll bar.

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