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Thursday, August 23, 2007



TWOLTabControl object
Unit: WOLGUI29.
Descendant of TWOLVisualControl. A tab control object a basic WOL object for use in the notebook gui.

Public Methods and Events:

constructor Create (AOwner: TWOLRoot); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateGUIParams (to var aParams: TWOLParams; const wClass: TWOLClassType); override;
procedure CreateWnd (to var aParams: TWOLParams); override;
procedure RecreateWnd; override;
procedure AllocResources; override;
procedure FreeResources; override;
function GetControlCount: TWOLSmallInt; override;
function GetAControl (aIndex: TWOLSmallInt): TWOLBase; override;
function WndPaint (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndNotify (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndCommand (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndProc (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;
function WndText (to var Message: TWOLMessage): Boolean; override;

Public properties and Events:

MultiLine: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates if the border is multiline or in an only a line.

TabWidth: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the width of each border.

TabHeight: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the height of each border.

HotTrack: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that it indicates if the heading of the border will be illuminated when pass the mouse over it.

Scroll: Boolean (For Reading and Writing)
Property that it indicates if the borders will roll to exceed the width of tabcontrol.

TabIndex: Integer (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the index of the currently active border.

TabPos: TWOLPositionSet (For Reading and Writing)
Property that indicates the position of the borders in relation to tabcontrol.

Pages: TStrings (For Reading and Writing)
Property that loads the borders in heading form. Each border corresponds to a page. These borders must be modified in the form of TWOLTabList. The visual objects will be inserted in these pages.

OnChange: TWOLEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Event that happens when the border changes.

OnChanging: TWOLBoolEvent (For Reading and Writing)
Event that happens when the border is moving.

Tab Order
TWOLTabList is a derivation of the TStrings. It is adapted to represent the pages of a TWOLTabControl. So that it is possible to place visual objects in the TWOLTabList, special methods have been increased.

Public methods and Events:

method used to create the set of pages.
destructor Destroy; override;
method used to destroy the set of pages.
procedure Clear; override;
method used to clear the set of pages.
procedure Delete (Index: Integer); override;
method used to erase a page of indicated index.
procedure Insert (Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
method used to insert a page in the set.
procedure InsertVisualControl (VisualCtrl: TWOLVisualControl; Page: Integer);
method used to insert a visual object in the indicated page.
procedure RemoveVisualControl (VisualCtrl: TWOLVisualControl; Page: Integer);
method used to remove an object of the indicated page.
function GetVisualControl (aHandle: TWOLHandle): TWOLVisualControl;
method tsed to return a visual object with handle indicated.
procedure PaintControls;
method used to internally redesign visual objects of the pages.
procedure ResizePages (width, height: Integer);
method used internally to resize the pages.
function FindControl (aHandle: TWOLHandle): Boolean;
method used to look at a visual object of handle indicated.
function FindPage (aHandle: TWOLHandle): Boolean;
method used to look at a page of handle indicated.
function GetControlCount (aPage: Integer): Integer;
method used to return the number from visual objects in an indicated page.
function GetPageControl (aIndex: Integer): Integer;
method used to return the index of the page of the visual object of the index.
function GetControlInPage (aIndex: Integer): TWOLBase;
method used to return the object of index indicated in any page.

constructor Create;

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