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Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hurricane Ike The Morning after

corpus christi texas ..... The morning after what you may ask nothing happened.. The water is quiet almost without any waves at all. Everything is boarded up. We were open at the burger king last night but alot of other places are boarded up and I suspect most of the traffic isn't coming back until later today (with less cash because it was spent out of town) .... There is the usual picture of a board with some comment painted on it. Everything else in corpus has tags or artwork, but paint something that will get you in the paper I think not... Something like that would have to be planned in advance maybe some intresting plywood art...

Speaking of... I have my latest tagger theory for what happened down alameda ....
The vandels perfer ( stacy ) manlove ....
oa (overeaters anonom..exc) ... the docter is taking up alot of space
mise (that is the wise or in some cases unwise button in windows)

and that is it they tried to delete the good docter so they could use the space for something more inportant (in the eyes of the deleter)


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