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Sunday, January 25, 2009


hey 19 a place where airplanes go

so I am walking down 3rd going towards caranqua (spelling)... when one of the two black men waiting for the bus starts yelling at me and he acts so I try to out run him I turn down buford.. he is faster with the shoes he has compared to my no-slip skeetchers and he is getting ready to trounce me and then I change directions and he bought it... his feet were gone...

I don't know if he is a member of the nation of islam or what the deal is and I miss the bus route 19....


this is what I think might be up on my demoz list... not k-dan steely dan and then you walk past co powel1911 much worse if you roleplay it like that... I makes it look like a cover up if you don't want some white guy who has been walking past it since 1998 and ended up being published with parts of it from riding the bus and walking past it..... the hijact conspiracy

شركة الحورس قدمت خدمتها لاجل حلول جميع المشاكل التي تواجهك عزيزي العميل , فنحن نستخدم افضل الادوات والاجهزه , عندنا افضل واحسن فنين في العالم ومهندسين , نستخدم المبيدات المستورده التي تقضي علي جميع الحشرات نهائيا من رشه واحده دون مغادره اهل المنزل
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