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Friday, September 04, 2009


sec complaint

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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Investor Complaint Form: Review and Submit

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You told us that we may, if appropriate, send your complaint to the firm or company involved.

Tell Us About Yourself

Daytime Phone
Alternate Phone
You are a Individual Investor

Tell Us About the Firm or Individual You Have a Complaint Against

Name interactive brokers
Type Broker-Dealer
Broker, Adviser,
or Salesperson
Address One Pickwick Plaza

Tell Us About Your Investment

Type of Security Penny stocks
Name of Issuer or Security Guaranty Financial Group Inc
Security Symbol gfgf

Tell Us About Your Complaint

It looks like someone at interactive brokers is trying to manipulate the system to send the stock up.. The first problem I had is that the stock would trade between 9 and 11 cents (this thursday and friday 8/25 8/26) and it would list at 29 cents after the market close (this could possibly cause a margin call). The second problem is they just bought 2400 shares for my account and I am now long the stock against my will instead of short the stock. This is a copy of my first complaint and I have sent the second complaint.

Ref# T923810
Date/Time 2009/08/31 07:47:05
Status LV1
Summary Ticket Summary not entered
Description gfgf is listing at .29 in the early morning but it doesn\'t sell my order at .28 it did the same thing thursday and it looks like it just lists that befour the stock trades in the morning. Is this a valid price I suspect when trading starts it will list at 10-12 cents. I could be paying higher interest on the shares I borrowed? or some other account may have a margin call that shouldn\'t happen. The number looks invalid
Date/Time Sender Comment

07:47:05 ecoec112 gfgf is listing at .29 in the early morning but it doesn\'t sell my order at .28 it did the same thing thursday and it looks like it just lists that befour the stock trades in the morning. Is this a valid price I suspect when trading starts it will list at 10-12 cents. I could be paying higher interest on the shares I borrowed? or some other account may have a margin call that shouldn\'t happen. The number looks invalid
12:40:19 IBCS GFGF is an OTCBB or Pink Sheet stock therefore trades are handled on a not held basis meaning that they do not have to post your order to the bid or ask, and if posted at your price your order may not be executed at all. Unfortunately this is how these types of stocks are handled versus a NMS stock.

13:03:25 ecoec112 it has been trading at 10 to 13 cents but after the close each day it says it is .29 cents and that I have lost over $400 until the trading day starts.. this happened thursday and friday. 29 cents does not appear to be a valid price, where is it coming from??
12:36:18 IBCS I do not know where the 0.29 is coming from in this case. I do see this price pop up from a few days ago but not today. If this is an ongoing problem please let me know.

Can you provide
cancelled checks?

Can you provide correspondence
to and from Firm?
Can you provide advertising or
marketing materials?

Can you provide notes
of conversation with Firm?

Can you provide
other materials?
Yes - google gfgf forum if usefull

Tell Us What Action You Have Taken

Have you complained to the firm? Yes
Regulators Contacted
Action Taken

Click "Submit to SEC" to submit this form electronically. Click "Make Changes" to go back and modify the form.



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