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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Gabriel Gaitan arrested

Corpus Christi Texas. Gabriel Gaitan arrested at work, reports are that several plain clothes officers took him before work monday. According to the caller times he was picked up in connection with a three year old homicide. He seemed intrested in drinking and had brought in a beer bong (without the beer) on one occausion. It sort of had a devils advocate feel to it where he promoted that at our table and then went to the table next to promote his beer bong. I remember one of his friends (who seems much taller now :) ) was realy big on promoting driving, while he was realy big on promoting drinkng.. (the driving guy from the end of the table stopped or was replaced by someone taller :) His other thing was that he was showing a picture of a child he said was his daugter who came to a trajic end. He would show the unclothed photo saying it was the only one he had. He seemed to have some bad reactions to that once in awhile where someone would comment about it as being perverse.

He seemed like an ok person for the most part but I thought it was important to jot down a few details in case they are not irrelevent.

we knew him....we knew the baby. She was beautiful. We had a feeling of what kind of individual he was. He treated his wife inhumanely. She was also not in the right state of mind either, yet he took advantage of the situation. Authorities were told, but fell on deaf ears.
It's only human nature that at home as a parent we hug our new born sometimes without a shirt only pampers on. I view his photo of his daughter. He had her on his chest like aregular father. What other fathers don't carry their children without a shirt,the child pamper on. Don't make him look like a monster
Occusing gabriel of doing weird things. Exwife needs to be invesstigated also. She spend ours in gabriel computers and used gabriel camera to take picture of the daughter also. One day a saw photos of her and her friends in a party and she was kissing a girl.
Exwife had a nerve to abandon a child that child protective service assigned to a fosterhome. Think possibility she can have part on her first child death .
Exwife had a nerve to abandon a child that child protective service assigned to a fosterhome. Think possibility she can have part on her first child death .
She also was inhumanely with gabriel. He didn't take advantage of the situation because he was the one that had the responsibility of house chores because she was always busy with her friends
Well I knew all parties and although she should be investagated as well.. He did mistreat her (ex-wife) as well as the baby. I only wish
I had moved faster in making calls to the right people. Maybe our Lil angel would still be here. He was a dog and she was stupid for stayin with him as well as not thinking of what was best for her baby.
I also knew all parties involved. Both parents were ignorant to reality. They had twisted views of right from wrong. He locked her in the house with no phone no vehicle to go out with his friends, she was messy...so what!!! The most important thing is that a baby was murdered! They are both responsible whether he did or she did neither one of them stopped it!!! we miss you little angel!!!
I find it extremely funny how you all can say you knew both parties, you knew him. It doesn't matter... a baby girl was murdered. Although both are responsible for the well being of Elizabeth neither of them did the job of a parent. Yes she was not in the right state of mind to take care of Elizabeth but she was also terrified of him and had a few good friend who took care of baby girl for her. To my baby girl I truly love & miss you and you will get your justice Elizabeth I promise you that. Me haces mucha falta nina bonita!

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