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Wednesday, December 19, 2007


consule example listings

bcx basic manual home

example s00 hello world type example
example s01 goto label example
example s02 if then else example
example s03 simple example of a function
example s04 creating and storeing 1000 strings
example s05 chr$
example s06 looks like an example to get the command line
example s07 do loop example
example s08 print example
example s09 looks like an example to load a file (need to double check that skip for now)
example s10 create a test file (I skipped this for now)
example s11 a hello world example
example s12 true false example using if..then
example s13 an example using input
example s14 example of instr (I need to look this up and add it below"
example s15 left$
example s16 for..next loop
example s17 mid$ example
example s18 message box example
example s19 calculating pi example
example s20 replace$ example
example s21 right$ example
example s22 function example
example s23 while example
example s24 calculating pi example
example s25 input example
example s26 subroutine example
example s27 ucase$, lcase$ example (lower case, upper case)
example s28 val example
example s29 while, endif example
example s30 date$ example
example s31 date$ , time$ example
example s32 example of space$
example s33 asc example
example s34 repeat$
example s35 SetConsoleTitle example
example s36 select case example
example s37 factoral example
example s38 colon seperated example
example s39 replace all spaces with underscores example
example s40 timing 100 million loops example
example s41 sample window example
example s42 send example (check this to see if it is working corectly and add to docs)
example s43 GetCurrentDirectory example
example s44 exists example
example s45 sleep example
example s46 constant example
example s47 end example
example s48 show directory example (! befour the subroutine lines unsure what that means)
example s49 GetEnvironmentVariable example
example s50 c macros (! is possibly c code mixed or whatever)
example s51 minimize all windows example (didn't add to text)
example s52 example of a local variable
example s53 get drivetype example
example s54 buffer example
example s55 left$, right$ , mid$ example
example s56 Euclid's Method example
example s57 get current directory example
example s58 get system directory example
example s59 instat example
example s60 get computer name example
example s61 example capitalize first letter, lower case for the rest called proper
example s62 mid$ example
example s63 reverse$ example
example s64 convert a number to a roman numeral
example s65 set file attribute
example s66 example that links with a c library (while file is being used??)
example s67 FindFirst$, FindNext$ example
example s68 PlayWav example
example s69 curdir$,sysdir$, tempdir$ example
example s70 system info example
example s71 command line example of copying a file to the clipboard (clipboard functions not added yet to text)
example s72 example that returns the file handle of the file being executed
example s73 find file in directory tree example (also #include in example )
example s74 returns the last time a file was written
example s75 keypress example
example s76 subroutine example
example s77 reads a file into a buffer
example s78 date and time example
example s79 simple windows example using winmain
example s80 querty and type example
example s81 case..else example
example s82 opening a printer example
example s83 copying a file using pointer arithmetic
example s84 string parsing example
example s85 toggle full screen mode example (windows)
example s86 data statement example
example s87 example of parsing a string
example s88 show/hide desktop icons example
example s89 string copy example
example s90 get text, put text example
example s91 example of c command line parameters (argv not for windows)
example s92 display winsock info
example s93 remove string example
example s94 example of notepad being used as a console program
example s95 randomize example
example s96 returns “short” version of a filename
example s97 swap command example
example s98 change the wallpaper example (sysparemeters)
example s99 sample showing off multi-dimensional user-defined types
example s100 The Ascii Macarena Dance example
example s101 operating system version demo.
example s102 input example
example s103 writes a html file that links to other files in the directory.
Example s104 for .. next example
example s105 subroutine example
example s106 replace example
example s107 sort example
example s108 remove and replace example
example s109 like function
example s110 check to see if it is a valid credit card number
example s111 A Shell-Metzner Integer Sort Example
example s112 example of the comment statement
example s113 create a binary file
example s114 ExitWindowsEx example
example s115 creates a very large file and then save to disk
example s116 read and write ini files
example s117 example of how to modify arrays that are passed to functions
example s118 iterate example (not like python is this usefull???)
example s119 oldsyle windows demo..
example s120 example of the color keyword
example s121 $IF/$ELSE/$ELSEIF/$ENDIF metastatements example
example s122 splitpath example
example s123 remove whitespace example
example s124 example of constants
example s125 Standard Deviation Function example
example s126 directory tree example
example s127 case example
example s128 retrieve files from a server
example s129 qsort example
example s130 Demonstrates OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS in User Defined FUNCTIONS/SUBS
example s131 function overloading
example s132 chr$ example
example s133 calculating pi example
example s134 goto...gosub example
example s136 using$ example
example s137 download example (may add to text later if I understand it)
example s138 pass arrays and integers to subs
example s139 array of 10 integers
example s140 ascii example
example s141 command line example for console and gui (windows)
example s142 time$ example
example s143 upper bound on strings and numerics
example s144 parse example
example s145 dynamic memory example
example s146 count the lines in an example
example s147 string array example
example s148 fill array example
example s149 multi-select files using Windows common dialog box
example s150 FUNCTION and SUB pointers
example s151 redim and redim preserve example
example s152 example using airplanes and flight scedules
example s153 linked list example
example s154 Semi-OOP implementation example
example s155 long double example

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